The day the music industry sued someone for $72 trillion – National |

The day the music industry sued someone for $72 trillion - National |

In 1999, the recorded music industry was swimming, drowning in money. CDs had been on an upward trajectory for more than 15 years, reaching sales of 2.4 billion globally and one billion units in the U.S. alone in 2000. Despite the massive scale of the CD industry and plants running flat out around the world, … Read more

Meet the father of all music piracy – National |

Meet the father of all music piracy - National |

Because God quickly realized that humans were a thieving bunch, He made rules against stealing one of the first things downloaded to Moses’ tablet 1,500 years ago: “Thou shalt not steal.” It’s ranked at number four on the list of things we’re not supposed to do, so it’s pretty clear that this was important to … Read more